Thursday, May 13, 2010

Supermom Dixie Brown

I am very blessed to have married into a family where I have nothing but great examples of women! I can't think of a single one of my Sister-In-Laws that doesn't remind me of Superman... or "Supermom." But, I think Dixie officially wins the Supermom Award. This picture here is how Dixie spent a great part of her trip: on her cellphone!

Every couple of minutes, either her cell or Dev's cell would ring. 99% of the time, it was one of their kids....
Gabby needing help with the kids,
Jansen asking if he could take out the backseat of his car,
Delci needing to talk,
the girls missing their mom,
when they weren't calling, THEY WERE TEXTING!
In the middle of the trip Mitch turned to me and said, "I hope our kids feel just as comfortable calling to talk to us about anything." So true! I STILL call my Mom about 3-4 times a day!

Supermom's don't get much of a break, but at least Dixie got a little one on our motorcycle ride around Hoover Dam.... I think it was only cause the cell couldn't fit in the helmet!

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