Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day

This year's Easter Baskets were fun to make! Instead of getting Bexley a basket, I just filled a flower pot we had laying around with some grass (left) and made the other one with Claudia Lopez out of milk jugs (right). Cute, huh? Claudia is one clever lady!
Also, I finally bought Bexley the spiky ball she always plays with at the library. She played with it about the entire time of conference.

Mitch & I got some good stuff too-except I kinda misjudged how many bags of jellybeans it takes to fill a mason jar. And, I finally got a pizza cutter! Mitch disassembled mine last year for an object lesson...... It was a great lesson, but my pizza cutter never recovered. All in all, a nice, relaxing Easter.

After Conference we went for a walk & Bexley lived it up in the Boehmke's vintage stroller from the 70's.... It's the actual stroller Tim's Mom used to roll him around in...
A big upgrade from our Snap & Go!

Swingin' around with Dad.

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