Monday, March 8, 2010

Tia Ivee

Tia Ivee rocking Baby Bex to sleep in Granny's backyard.

One of the things I loved most about Bexley's first trip to Florida was watching her bond with her Tia Ivee. I really wish I had gotten video of the first time Ivee changed Bexley's diaper.... Somehow she got the dirty one re-taped to the clean one; so when she lifted Bexley up, both the clean and dirty diaper went with her! Ivee learned a lot about motherhood... I think the thing she learned most is that she's in no rush to be a Mom! She enjoys being a cool Tia, then handing Baby Bex off when things go awry! Ivee was so excited to have Bexley in town. She introduced her to her local friends, her international friends on Skype, and took probably close to a million photos and videos with her on her computer. I think she probably has more pictures of HER with Bex than I do! I love how much she loves Bexley and how proud she is of her little niece.

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